Mayflower understands that the look and feel of your linen plays a huge role in your guest satisfaction. That's why we invest in state of the art laundry equipment, an attentive and tenured team, and high quality linen specs to showcase your linen like no other laundry. Whether you own your linen or request rental service, Mayflower will give you peace of mind, knowing your linen is handled with care and respect. 


  • Flat Goods: Sheets & Pillowcases

  • Terry Goods: Bath Towels, Bath Mats, Bath Sheets, Hand Towels, Washcloths

  • Specialty Goods: Duvet Covers, Duvet Inserts, Robes, Shower Curtains, Walk Off Mats, and More!

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Please fill out the form below, and our team will be in touch.

some of the FAMILIAR brands we service:
